5 Sure Fire Ways to Cope with Presentation Nerves Moments Before You Take the Stage


Move to get in the presentation groove

The day of the presentation do some form of exercise. Run, play with your kids, go for a brisk walk. Just MOVE! All of those physical symptoms of speaking fear are due to a surplus of adrenaline coursing through your veins. If you exercise, you’ll burn off that some of that excess adrenaline.

Even 30 minutes before you step up to podium, excuse yourself, find a private space and do some jumping jacks, shake your hands, or dance to Beyonce’s “Single Ladies.” 

Don’t believe me that exercise helps? Hop on the treadmill and think about that speech that spikes your nerves. It’s nearly impossible to feel nervous. You’re burning off adrenaline and releasing endorphins.

Silence your inner-critic

The anti-helpful voice telling you that you have no business speaking, your presentation sucks and you’re not as good as the other speakers needs to shut the heck up before you begin your speech.

When that voice creeps in, replace the voice of failure with “I’ve got this. I’ve practiced. No one knows this presentation like I do.”

Banish a foggy mind

Going blank is a major concern for all the clients that I coach. Exercise aids in clearing the fog from your brain. If you are terrified that you’ll take the stage and blank, run the first few lines of your presentation in your head as you are being introduced. If you practiced liked you should have, you’ll know what comes next.

Stop and scan

There is a compulsive urge for speaker’s to begin as soon as they walk on the stage. Whether they are ready or not, they start the speech. Instead, take a moment to get comfortable on the stage. Look out into the audience. Make eye contact with the friendly faces and then begin. There’s nothing wrong with a moment of silence to acclimate yourself to being in front of the crowd.


I know every speech coach tells you to breathe. I tell all my clients this because they don’t remember to breathe. Starting your presentation out of breath means you’ll spend the first 5 minutes trying to catch it. Plus, shallow breathing makes your more nervous. Take at least one deep breath in and out while you stop and scan.

Remember, nerves mean you care. They are a natural side effect of presenting. You’ll never extinguish the flame of fear fully, but you can take steps to lessen their impact on your presentation.


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